
"One" is a thirty something caucasian male of English birth, Asian residency, mixed politics, a strong social conscience & an arguably overly opinionated mind. A champagne socialist, armchair environmentalist and an ardent future activist to a wonderful cause as yet unknown. Married to a gorgeous Floridian belle, Father of an amazing 12 year old daughter and a beautiful half English, half Welsh, half Scottish, quarter part Irish American made in Singapore boy.

As a product of some interesting genetics, untold maternal sacrifice and much good fortune the ramblings that follow may prove either of interest or objection to the casual reader. Sometimes I write often, sometimes not often at all but when and if I do in future I truly look forward to sharing my perspective through this new window with the world.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dear CNN

Dear CNN, For the sake of the free world and the future of my American children please please PLEASE stop pointing out the obvious ineptness, insanity and down right scariness of Michele Bachmann to your viewers. Please immediately reverse your course and follow your phone hacking friends at Fox news (sorry no, that was obviously an isolated series of incidents at Murdoch’s other crown jewel and couldn’t possibly be a sign of all the man and his media secretly aspire to globally) in throwing your considerable support behind this lunatic from Minnesota.… Lets give Obama, Hillary and every other rational person in the world a fighting chance, lets give Bill Maher enough material to win an Oscar, lets support “Palin & Bachmann” (or more ironically I guess “S&M”) for the republican ticket in twenty twelve !!